WRA Mission & Values

Our Vision
To provide humanitarian, developmental and relieves assistance for vulnerable women/girls and children with focus on women/girls SRHR, livelihood, education, advocacy, women/girls empowerment, peacebuilding, leadership and development.
Our Mission
Through provision of immediate humanitarian, developmental and relieves assistance for vulnerable women/girls and children, we carry out advocacy and training programs on SRHR, HIV & gender justice, women empowerment, livelihood, girls child education, strengthens the public understanding on women/girls sexual rights, development and social justice. We aim to achieve our mission through:

Peace Building and Social Cohesion
We carry out peace advocacy activities through arts and sport that engage young women/girls, and the general public to consider peace and social cohesion as the only means to sustainable development.

Peace Building and Social Cohesion
We carry out peace advocacy activities through arts and sport that engage young women/girls, and the general public to consider peace and social cohesion as the only means to sustainable development.
Livelihood Support and Training
We engage young women/girls in livelihood activities such as making African hand-crafts, liquid and bar soaps, briquettes, mud stoves, tailoring, carpentry, farming, etc.

We do sensitization and awareness on GBV in the community through advocacy, radio talk shows, drama, music, poem, cultural dance.
We support young women/girls on farming through training and technical machine.

We ensure education gaps close, by establishing for now temporary learning spaces in the most underprivileged areas and in IDP camps, promote girl-child education at the grass roots and ensure that there is no any education disparities that exist between/among boys and girls.
Research and Advocacy
We conduct periodical research, educate young girls and women on their rights and provide them with the knowledge through awareness campaigns to enable them to fight against issues of sexual and gender based violence and creates awareness on public health issues particularly on HIV/Aids, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, etc

Environmental Protection:
We carry out measure to protect environment and our surrounding through tree planting etc.
We promote general health programs and other women projects in recognition of women/girls health needs in South Sudan (covid-19 programs HIV/AIDs, Nutrition program, etc.)

COre values
1. Mutual Respect
We recognize the innate worth of all people and the value of diversity;
2. Equity and Justice
We work to ensure equal opportunity for everyone, irrespective of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, HIV status, color, class, ethnicity, disability, location or religion
3. Honesty Transparency
We are accountable at all levels for the effectiveness of their actions and open in their judgments and communications with others;
4. Solidarity with the poor, powerless and excluded
shall be the only bias in their commitment to the fight against poverty;
5. Courage of Conviction
We are creative and radical, bold and innovative without fear of failure in pursuit of making the greatest possible impact on the causes of poverty;
6. Independence
from any religious or party-political affiliation;
7. Humility
in the presentation and behavior, recognizing that they are part of a wider alliance against poverty.

Our approach is bottom-up and holistic, focusing on individual behavior change amongst young people and women. Advocacy for a systematic change in policy and practice towards a more supportive environment for young people and women led-empowerment. We focus on delivering grassroots program activities in some of the most hard to reach and underserved communities in South Sudan. Leveraging the impact of our volunteers, we are creating a network of young people and women community leaders, supporting them to progress in their activities and be champions of young people and women-led empowerment in all spheres. We encourage government and policy makers to engage young people and women in the decisions that affect them. We conduct research and generate evidence to share our experience with other stakeholders that focus on young people and women issues.